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Become a walking Goddess/God. Gain the power to manifiest your desires. Enhance your magic, sexual life, and anything you put your mind to. This bathsalt holds the power to bring forth results in your manifestations QUICKLY. Be careful what you ask for because you will get it. Keep a postive mind and control your thoughts, they will soon be your reality.

Good For:

• Developing the Power of Rapid Manifestation

• Enhancing Results

• Enhancing power and energy in any Spell

Ahari | Manifesation BATHSALT

  • Packaging: Products will be shipped with a 12oz bottle of bath salts along with an instruction card with suggested affirmations.

    Ingredients: Coconut oil, Epsom salt, Dead Sea salt, blend of herbs, mica powder

    Directions: Use as much as needed for bath, relax and envision what you intend to manifest. You may also use the suggested chants on the card that came with your order.

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