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Savage Ceremony

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199 US dollars

Service Description

This ceremony is for those who want that “YOU NEEDED ME” energy! This is a very powerful and POTENT ceremony done with 5 spells over a 2 day period. This will include spells for: BEAUTY: To enhance your overall beauty, and you will also gain the ability to see beauty in all things, including yourself. This is KEY to having that MAIN CHARACTER ENERGY!! SELF - ESTEEM: You will feel more valuable and have better faith in your own worth. The way you perceive yourself will be more improved, and you may gain more self love. CONFIDENCE: Your trust in yourself and your own abilities will strengthen and improve. You may even feel more courageous and comfortable in your own skin. WEIGHT LOSS: If this is what you desire then you shall have it, and you will feel much more motivated and productive in losing weight. This will happen overtime, but the drive you will gain from this will help your results come much faster. SEXUAL ATTRACTION: With all of the spells added above, attraction is INEVITABLE. But I'm still going to include a sexual attraction spell to further enhance this effect. Not only will you feel the attraction within yourself, but others will notice it as well. This may come from other attractive individuals or even partners from your past wanting to reconnect. Even your current partner wont be able to resist. Your sexual energy will be intoxicating and addicting, that it could be "too much to handle". All of these spells when done together will make a very potent ceremony that gives you everything you need to feel like a real SAVAGE. You will gain confidence, sex appeal and be unstoppable. Once the ceremony has been completed, you will receive a link to the ceremony video. This will be for both days. * * * By law we are required to say that we make no claims and sell these products/services as Curios. By purchasing these products you are stating that you are at least 18 years of age. This product is not meant to replace medical treatment or intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any type of disease. Learn more about refund and exchanges by visiting our "Refunds and Exchanges" policy page at the bottom of the site. By purchasing these products you are agreeing to these terms.

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Cancellation Policy

You will only be allowed to cancel up to 24 hours before the ceremony.

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